Tips for Reducing Your Carbon Footprint When Shopping Online – Mahfelle website website
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Tips for Reducing Your Carbon Footprint When Shopping Online

Tips for Reducing Your Carbon Footprint When Shopping Online

We all want to do our part for the most beneficial steps to the nature that embraces us, but sometimes it can be difficult to decide where and how to start. As Mahfelle team, we are on a sustainable online shopping journey here, we know that one of the easiest ways to reduce our carbon footprint is to shop online.

Here are some tips we have prepared specifically for you to make our online shopping more environmentally friendly:

Shop online stores that offer sustainable delivery options:

E-commerce sites have made shopping easier and more practical than ever before. However, this situation also caused an increase in packaging waste in nature. Worse, most of this packaging cannot be recycled and ends up in landfills where it will take centuries to decompose in nature. Fortunately, there are many stores that support sustainable shipping and packaging practices. As Mahfelle, we support our designers in shipping in recyclable packaging. The use of environmentally friendly materials and packaging that can be recycled or composted is increasing day by day. You can also help reduce the environmental impact of cargo by doing a short research on this subject and specifying your preferences in the stores where you buy products.

Choose products containing recycled or biodegradable material in your preferences:

One of the most effective things we can do as individuals to reduce our carbon footprint is to consciously choose products made from recycled or biodegradable materials. Recycled materials are defined as materials that are recovered and reused in the production of new products. Decomposable materials are materials that can be broken down into simpler, stable compounds by natural processes. Examples of recyclable materials include recycled glass, recycled plastic, and recycled paper. Bamboo, wool, cotton can be given as examples of decomposable materials.

However, we can slow down the consumption and waste cycle of the fashion industry by choosing products of which we have an idea and consciously made from sustainable materials. In this way, we can increase demand for sustainable products while ultimately leading to a more sustainable future for our planet.

Shop from brands that support slow fashion

In today's world, it can be easy to get caught up in the ever-changing trends of fast fashion. We may also be tempted to buy the latest fashion items at a low cost. But the cost of fast fashion to us and our planet is often hidden. First, the consequences of addiction to disposable fashion, from the poor working conditions of FMCG workers to the environmental impact of crowded dumpsters full of cheap clothes, are becoming undeniable. Fortunately, there is an alternative!

Slow fashion is a movement that advocates quality over quantity and supports sustainable and ethical practices in the fashion industry. Slow fashion is actually more economical in the long run, as the end products offered with quality materials and production techniques will be used for much longer than their cheaply produced counterparts.

As the Mahfelle team, slow fashion is one of our founding philosophies. We present our slow fashion supporter brands and designers in a separate category, and we truly respect their storytelling efforts.

When you shop from slow fashion brands, you make a more informed and beneficial choice, knowing that your purchase supports fair labor standards and cares about environmental impacts. When looking for a new piece for your next shopping need, be sure to support slow fashion brands and contribute to positive change in the industry!

Avoid unnecessary returns and only shop when you have time to research your options.

How many of us have not experienced this? We buy something and then realize that it's not exactly what we want or need. Maybe it didn't fit well, the color came out different from what it looks like, or it's not what we expected. So we contact the store and request a refund, that is, we start the whole process from the beginning. However, the return is quite costly in terms of time and money. Although the paid return trend has started in the world recently, free returns are still common in our country. But have you ever thought about the impact of your initiating a free return request on the store, the designer and the environment?

A new shipping bag, a new delivery process, a queuing package, folded shipping charges for shops and designers, additional costs, and a new carbon footprint for the planet!

So how do we avoid unnecessary returns? The healthiest way is to do research before making a purchase. Learn as much as you can about a product, such as comparing prices, viewing size charts if available, reading reviews. If there is any information that you cannot find on the site, please ask us from the live support or the question section on the product pages.

This way, you can find a product that suits your needs and avoid unnecessary returns.

Before you buy, ask yourself "Do I need this product?" Don't forget to ask.

How many times have you been to the grocery store for one thing and walked out with a basket of products you never thought you needed? It's easy to shop without thinking on impulse impulses, but it leads us to regret later on. These unnecessary purchases are not only increasing, but are bound to be returned or tossed behind cabinets. The next time you're tempted by that cute blouse or shoes you don't really need, take a step back and ask yourself, "Do I need this product?" ask. If the answer is no, get out of there. The impulse that drives you to buy will instantly go away.

In today's fast fashion world, we have to be more careful than ever before with what we buy. By taking the time to ask ourselves if we really need something, we can help reduce unnecessary waste and consumption. Therefore, before clicking the “Add to Cart” button, take the time to consider whether you really need that product. Your wallet and our planet will thank you for it!

Check the carbon footprint of your order before purchasing.

When shopping online, it's easy to click the "buy" button instantly, without worrying about the carbon footprint of your purchase. But did you know that your order's carbon footprint can vary greatly depending on where it's shipped from and how it's packaged?

At Mahfelle, your orders are sent directly to you by the designers in the most eco-friendly packages possible, so that shipping processes leave a lower carbon footprint on the planet.

Besides, another step where you can help reduce your carbon footprint is to place your orders in one place as much as possible. For example, purchasing your products in bulk from a single store or a single brand will minimize the effects of cargo processes. By taking these simple steps, you can help reduce your carbon footprint and make a difference for the planet.

We hope that this article we have prepared for you has given you some useful messages for your next purchase. Every choice we make as human beings affects the planet in some way and it is very important to be aware of the impact of our consumption habits. Whether you're shopping from brands that support slow fashion or choosing products from sustainable materials, each choice matters. Before you make your next purchase, question whether you really need it and think about your carbon footprint.

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